Children and youth of all ages are welcome and celebrated at St. Mark's!

We want to come alongside you and your family at every stage, to support and encourage you in whatever life throws your way. We seek to provide opportunities for your whole family to grow in faith together through worship, learning, fellowship, and service! 

Sunday School

Children's Sunday School takes place after worship for about an hour, typically 10:35 - 11:30, in the Children's Sunday School room. Activities include crafts and art, Bible stories and puppet shows, Videos, Songs and Dancing, and so much more!

Children will also practice songs to sing and play the bells during worship!


Jesus said, "Let the children come to me" and that is what we do. Children are welcomed, valued, and celebrated in worship - noisy wiggles and all!

So, we don't send them to a "children's church" in the middle of the service. Rather, children are invited to participate fully in worship and in some special ways!

  • Doing what their family does!
    Children love to do what their parents and siblings do! Let them hold the hymnal, bulletin, and Bible even if they can't read! Encourage them to stand with you, pass the peace and the offering plate, and name their prayers out loud when invited. Walk with them down the aisle for communion. 

  • Children's bulletins and activity bags!
    Children's bulletins and activity bags are available in the entryway. Bulletins are available for both readers and pre-readers. The activity bags have books, crayons, and more. An usher can assist you!

  • Children's sermons!
    Children are invited to come sit on the chancel steps and hear a special message. You can come, too!

  • Noisy Offering!
    Get noisy! Let your little ones come to the altar and drop some pocket change into a glass vase during the offering. (Change is available in the entryway for any child to bring forward so none are left out!)

In addition to regular worship participation, children are invited to play the bells, come forward for a children's message (often, they end up teaching the congregation!), bring a "noisy offering," and further get involved in whatever they're interested in! Children help tie quilts and carry up the food offerings and even ring the church bell. They tell the story of Jesus' birth in the annual Christmas play and wave palm fronds and sprinkle water from the font.


Every bit of worship is a chance for kids to grow and learn that they are cherished and loved. Children are invited to come up during communion, and at their parent/guardian's discretion, children who have not yet received first communion may receive "Child of God" bread especially for them, with a blessing that  "You are a beloved Child of God." 

Confirmation & Junior High
This is your sub-headline

At St. Mark's, Confirmation is a two-year "catechism" (instructions) where youth learn a bit more deliberately about Scripture and Lutheran teachings. Youth typically spend a year learning about the Bible - its shape and its stories, its history, and more. Another year is spent in The Small Catechism, an introductory text written by Martin Luther for basic Christian instruction. The Catechism covers the 10 Commandments, Lord's Prayer, Apostles' Creed, Baptism and Communion, and more.

Confirmation sometimes meets every week for instruction, and sometimes less frequently for service projects, excursions, and activities.