We can't wait to meet you!
No matter if this is your first time visiting or you've been here before, you are welcome!

What is it like?

Warm, friendly, easy-going, and welcoming! New members and visitors often note "the welcome they received when they first came inside" as why they kept coming back! Many members warmly reflect that St. Mark's feels like family. 

How about Sundays?

When you enter, a friendly face will welcome you and give you a bulletin that includes the worship service. If you come with children, you'll be offered children's bulletins (pre-reader and readers!) as well as activity bags with books and crayons. Members and visitors alike are also offered a "communion card" with space to record your name and contact information.

Feel free to sit wherever you like! Greeters can direct you to the bathrooms (with a changing table), classrooms, and are happy to answer any questions you might have.

...and worship?

Confession & Forgiveness / Thanksgiving for Baptism, Scripture & Sermon, Holy Communion, and Blessing, marked with piano and organ music, hymns, and prayers. Worship follows the four-fold liturgy, an ancient pattern of Christian worship followed in churches around the world and will feel familiar for most. 

We receive Communion every Sunday. Communion is bread and wine. Grape juice and a gluten-free option are provided. All are welcome!

The bulletin contains most of the worship service, including the scripture readings. The bulletin also typically includes a couple of inserts specifically for home use - one insert with announcements, prayer list, and a weekly set of devotions and prayers for individuals or families, and a second insert with the scripture readings for the day and a list of recommended daily readings for your use.

You can view videos of worship on our Facebook page and find our bulletin materials here.

What about my kids?

Kids are enthusiastically welcomed in worship! There's no "kids" section or expectations for silence. Noisy littles? We've been there!  God delights in the wiggles and sounds of children in worship!

Children are invited forward for a children's message every Sunday, and to come forward with pocket change for a noisy offering! (There is a bowl of change in the entryway for kids to bring up in noisy offering so none are left out!)

Where do I park?

South of the church on Howard Ave. or East on Jackson along the sidewalk.

What do I wear?

There is no dress-code! Come as you are and as you feel comfortable. Suits and jackets are rare.

How can I get connected?

Call the church, e-mail the pastor, visit our Facebook, come to worship, drop by the office at the north end of the sanctuary, any of those is great!

Our primary method of communication is e-mail, including a weekly announcement e-mail focused on materials for worship that Sunday with the scripture readings and a link to the livestream. Most things are also posted on our Facebook page. The monthly Newsletter is also e-mailed out or printed and mailed depending on your preference.