Our Mission
Share the Gospel locally and globally.

We welcome all. Together in Jesus Christ, God frees us by grace to live faithfully and witness boldly. The Holy Spirit nourishes our hearts in genuine worship and thoughtful education nurtures our minds for faithful discipleship, driving us out into the world for compassionate service.

Our Vision
Where God's love shines, bringing warmth, welcome, and home to all.

Your church by the school, we strive to be an involved, safe, and warm church; a shelter in the midst of the storms of life, and a beacon proclaiming God's love and mercy to our world. Formed into the body of Christ and hearts open wide, we walk with all - strangers, neighbors, and members - witnessing to God's expansive love in service. Striving to be good neighbors, we partner with churches and local organizations to enrich and care for our community and the neighborhoods we call home.

God loves you, it's true.

We invite you to be a part of the body of Christ at St. Mark's

Join us for worship Sundays at 9:30 in the sanctuary or join in from our worship livestream!